Ye Christian Nationalist, Are You Prepared to Go ALL the Way For Christ?

I’ve been wanting to discuss the concept of Christian Nationalism more, but it just won’t hold still. The wicked are frothing over the idea of public morality  returning, Trump Derangement victims are having seizures at billboards announcing Trump as the second coming of Christ… and for once, I share the outrage of the TDS crowd…

Whatever evildoer came up with that one, is a particularly dangerous specimen. On the level of whoever opened the Capitol Building doors for the J6 protestors to wander in.

Other examples of Christian Nationalism are RINOs trying to run in front of the groundswell of Churchian realization that our government has gone full frontal deviltry.

Then there’s the way Doug Wilson defines Christian Nationalism, and while that guy is actually doing things, he still stinks of personality cult. And there’s other celebrities and pundits muddying the waters even further.

But today, I got an email from Andrew Torba announcing he has a new book on Christian Nationalism coming out.

At last, a hard target! I don’t like that talk about “taking dominion” and “disciplining nations”. The former sounds like “Prayer of Jabez” prosperity gospel and the latter is a topic untouched by the New Testament. In the OT, judging/disciplining nations was God’s job.

But maybe I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover?

I didn’t find a proper review. Internet searches are narrowing to Regime-approved websites ever more every day. I managed to source some quotes but all come by way of openly hostile media organs.

Is Christian nationalism dangerous?

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Author Michael Brown being a mild TDS sufferer, his answer was Yes. 

…Recent comments by GAB CEO Andrew Torba have raised eyebrows and confirmed the worst suspicions about Christian nationalism, being quoted by outlets such as the Jerusalem Post and further fueling the fires of far-left websites such as Right Wing Watch.

I would complain about him proceeding to utilize that Right Wing Watch except today, I’m doing the same thing by proxy. It really is getting hard to search out conservative voices.

As Torba said with reference to a Republican candidate he backed,

That would be Doug Mastriano, successful Repub candidate for Pennsylvania governor. We’ll be looking at him shortly to see if Torba is walking the talk of his book.

“We are going to build a coalition of Christian nationalists, of Christians, of Christian candidates, at the state, local and federal levels and we’re going to take this country back for the glory of God.”

Good. A cabal of Christians keeping each other honest while seizing the reins of power. No lies? No wickedness? No hypocrisy? No problem.

And, what exactly, will this look like? What will it mean to “take the country back for the glory of God,” a sentiment that, in itself, can sound very positive to many Christians?

A good question. Theologically, there is no such thing as Christian Nationalism. Christianity makes no political demands of its members (unlike Islam and Judaism) and Scripture still contains the history of what happened when God actually did some nation-building for His glory.

Its failures were SPECTACULAR.

That being said, there’s no theological objection to being a Nationalist who is also Christian. By all means, seize worldly power and kick out those foreign-loyal banksters, and God bless your efforts. But it won’t be that simple.

Torba explained, “We don’t want people who are atheists. We don’t want people who are Jewish. We don’t want people who are, you know, nonbelievers, agnostic, whatever. This is an explicitly Christian movement because this is an explicitly Christian country. We’re not saying we’re going to deport all these people or whatever. You’re free to stay here. You’re not going to be forced to convert or anything like this because that’s not biblical whatsoever. But you’re going to enjoy the fruits of living in a Christian society under Christian laws and under a Christian culture and you can thank us later.”

There are two ways to take what he’s saying. One is theocracy. The problem there is that Christianity cannot be forced upon people. We CAN force Christian morality, and that is the other way. Which Torba probably meant. Perhaps this statement was chosen for quotation specifically because it suggests Torba is calling for theocracy.

We’re not saying we’re going to deport all these people or whatever…

I hope we will be. Whatever our next government ends up being, getting rid of the Jews and Muslims will be an absolute necessity. As I said above, those religions are politically active. You let them in, you get their government because that’s what they do.

This is a difficult issue for us Christians. We’re okay with cultural assimilation and even serving Muslims, Jews and atheists in good faith, but they are frequently unwilling to treat us kindly in return. All we want is the freedom to worship Christ… but the world will destroy us for exactly that reason.

I have the sense that the next, healthy government will be one of “learned men” governing in ways that would be completely unacceptable to the general population. While the ordinary congregants will learn cooperation, patience and tolerance, the “learned men” will hunt down those who would take advantage of such virtues with a pitiless hate born of the life experiences of… well, us today, who got to see what happens when feminism, usury and immigration are indulged. We saw it up close, fugly and personal like never before.

He also said, “You degenerate pagans and atheists and non-believers went way too far with the COVID nonsense, with shutting down our churches and forcing our kids to be masked, and forcing us to get vaccinated with some mystery goop in order to keep our jobs and provide for our families. You pushed us too far, and now we’re going to take dominion of this country, of our culture, of news, of entertainment, of technology, of education, of everything for the glory of Jesus Christ, our king. It’s just that simple.”


In short, “Me loving my neighbor is wanting my neighbor to be ruled by wise biblical Christian men. Look at the fruits of what happens when we allow pagans, Jews, non-believers, atheists to run our country.”

Yes, Mr. Brown. EXACTLY THAT. They don’t get to lie anymore. They don’t get to moneychange us and miscegenate us and destroy our fathers and import their cousins to rule over us anymore.

But it’s still okay if they reject Christ. Seriously. If you don’t need a Savior then Christ doesn’t want to save you… but in the meantime, you Will. Not. Lie.

So, don’t accuse us of Christian Nationalism. Accuse us of being Nationalist Christians. There’s a difference.

Note carefully those words “take dominion” and “rule.”

I did. The quote relaxed my fears of “Prayer of Jabez” heresies. Torba is not expecting God to show up and give us victory for the asking. Considering what Torba’s been through, I probably did him ill even to consider it.

Christian nationalists will literally take over. In Torba’s view, this will happen by winning elections and then making Christian values the law of the land. This, in turn, will benefit the whole society, as if Christians could change society by coercion rather than by sacrificial love and service and example.

Yes, Mr. Brown. EXACTLY THAT. They don’t get to lie anymore. They don’t get to moneychange… oh wait, I already said that. Well, they aren’t going to stop lying voluntarily, now are they? And they sure like the idea of coercing us.

Vote for GunnerQ! Slogan, “You Vill Eat Zee Bacon.” Goodbye, J00z and Muzzies!

And by the way, Scripture says that government gets the authority and duty to bear the sword against evildoers! Coercion is the very job of elected officials, Mr. Brown… coercion of evildoers unto punishment.

Some even take this one step further, telling Christians to prepare for battle by getting their guns and ammunition ready, in the name of Jesus at that. Get ready for holy war!

That’s not Christian. That’s American! Actually, I’m prepared to make the case that all Christians, everywhere in the world, have a divine right and duty to be heavily armed. God knows we already have the need.

This is irresponsible as it is dangerous, especially in today’s highly volatile, hyper-politicized, powder keg climate.

And so the mask falls off Michael Brown… wormtongue to the Christian Post… once again. “It’s especially irresponsible for Christians to own guns at a time when the traitors running the government are sabotaging the food supply, militant atheists are firebombing our neighborhoods and pedophiles are mutilating the genitals of schoolchildren under color of law! Somebody might get hurt, and then they won’t wuvs Jeebus enough to be saved! Won’t you please think of the homosexual satanists before you skin that smokepiece?”

How the HELL did things get this bad?

Meanwhile… I wonder about those inevitable RINOs whose job is to detect these groundswells and run in front of them. Anybody can talk the talk.

Let’s have a look at Doug Mastriano, Torba’s recent ally.

Christian Nationalism as the Keystone

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By Brian Kaylor and Beau Underwood, 12 May 2022

At first blush, an effort known as “Pennsylvania for Christ” seems like a run-of-the-mill evangelistic campaign. Its stated mission is “to reestablish the kingdom of God in PA with word and action…” They held an event with speakers and praise music, announced a special time of prayer and fasting, and put out high-production videos featuring a minister, b-roll footage, and inspirational music.

*yawn* zzz

But if you pay closer attention, you’ll notice Pennsylvania for Christ is doing more than trying to save souls. This movement’s praying for votes in the Republican primary for governor.


“Come and be a part of a great, historical move of God.”


Mastriano talked via a translator about his life, prayer, and God. And he campaigned. The projection screen above Mastriano featured an American flag with his name and the text “Senator Doug Mastriano ‘walk as free people’ Jn. 8:36.”


Other speakers criticized the separation of church and state and declared in prayer that “this nation was meant for you, father, to serve you first and I pray, father, that we remember and we get back to those principles. I pray, father, for a complete change and a complete turnaround in this nation.”

*GQ perks up* They dissed SCS? Oh, but not the actual candidate.

In December of 2020, Mastriano wrote to a top Justice Department official that “election fraud is real and prevalent in Pennsylvania. Yet, despite evidence, our Governor and Secretary of State inexplicably refuse to investigate.”

Taking matters into their own hands, State Senate Republicans ordered an election audit of the 2020 results and installed Mastriano as its head after he made a pilgrimage to a similar effort in Arizona. But he didn’t last long in the position, being replaced because, according to the Senate Republican leader, “he was only ever interested in politics and showmanship and not actually getting things done.”

Ah, sweet projection (and Canceling) from the head RINO. Okay, Mastriano isn’t just another pretty face.

Ironically, Mastriano’s participation on Jan. 6 may have helped his candidacy. Despite early calls to resign from legislators in both parties, the additional attention bolstered his standing with the Trumpian base of the GOP.

It DOES help his candidacy in my estimation. Not because he was dumb enough to attend… because he’s now a marked man and no longer has the option to pillow-bite for the Regime.

While Mastriano has rejected the label “Christian Nationalist,” he clearly espouses Christian Nationalism and is supported by many other proponents of the ideology that dangerously conflates American and Christian identities.

Speaking of the Regime, I feel better that the label is being forced upon him. Were Mastriano a grifter, he’d have tattooed it on his forehead before the first press conference.

I am seeing green flags in Mr. Mastriano. Notice that none of the green flags I found were his protestations of Christianity, and all were his actually doing stuff. You want street cred as a Christian politician? Show me your scars… and Doug just did. He didn’t last long in the position… early calls to resign from legislators in both parties… While Mastriano has rejected the label “Christian Nationalist,” he clearly espouses Christian Nationalism… 

“His street cred went up,” Jay Costa, the Democratic minority leader in the Pennsylvania Senate, told Politico. “There’s no question.”

Word out!

He also spoke at other Christian Nationalism events and podcasts, such as on April 23 at an event in Gettysburg called “Patriots Arise for God, Family, and County” along with speakers pushing Christian Nationalism and QAnon conspiracies. Like many Christian Nationalism events, it started with individuals draped in Jewish prayer shawls and blowing shofars to declare the event as a prophetic place with a special presence from the Holy Spirit.

“Blow the trumpet in Zion! Sound the alarm on the holy mountain!” one of the shofar blowers shouted. “The day of the Lord is here!”

Yeah, that’s more what I was expecting to find. All Judeo-Christianity, which reassures the Pharisees that nothing will actually come of the event… looking at YOU, DeSantis in Florida… and over-the-top invocations of Jeebus that would unnerve a Pentecostal. But at least this wasn’t a Mastriano production.

When a grifter tries to identify with a new movement, he usually overcompensates on visuals and saying what you want to hear.

The idea of a special anointing at Christian Nationalism events [didn’t end there…] Julie Green, identified simply as a “prophet,” spoke at the Patriots Arise event while wearing a Mastriano campaign sticker. She said she came to Pennsylvania to speak because she had a prophecy about how “God is doing something very special in this state.”

No, Doug, no! Tell me you didn’t pull a Barak! And I don’t mean Obama.

“‘Doug Mastriano, I have you here for such a time as this,’ saith the Lord,” Green saithed. “‘I know it seems like I had forsaken you. All your hard work and the time you put forth to get the truth and election integrity. You know the truth and you have seen so much evidence of what really happened. It is now time to move forward with the plans that you have been given. Yes, Doug, I am here for you and I have not forsaken you. The time has come for their great fall and the great steal to be overturned. So, keep your faith in me.”

Later, Mastriano said, “Julie, your prophecy is on target there exactly.”

Sigh. Look here, ye Christian Nationalists. The moment you invoke God in a leadership context, YOU STOP TOLERATING WOMEN IN POSITIONS OF AUTHORITY.



Don’t tell me that technically, women can be prophets. The modern woman hears so many voices in her head, I’d rather be shown one that can’t give a prophecy! And this particular model already discredited herself:

Green went on to claim God told her Gov. Tom Wolf would face “a major scandal” and “be removed by my hand” and “treason will be written on him for all eternity.”

Wolf is terming out of office without a major scandal. Thus The Lord God Didn’t Saith, tits.

After reading some biblical passages, Green added that Trump “is the real president” and “he is coming back and it is going to be by the hand of Almighty God”

She’s a witch. Infiltrator. Deceiver. No way, no how is Trump a loyal servant of God. Will God put him back into the White House? Maybe, but not as the Second Coming Of Fricking King David. And he hasn’t been the real president since he abandoned his position to the thieves. There are two ways to decide an election, people, voting and… conceding.

There’s no point to Christian Nationalism if we don’t GET RID OF FEMALE LEADERSHIP in the process. This is not negotiable for any Christian. If you want to restore the natural order then the price is GET RID OF FEMALE LEADERSHIP.

Don’t tell me about your love life with Jeebus, Senators. Tell me about the civil rights lawsuit you’re facing for rejecting all female allies & staff up front. Doug Mastriano has street cred, I give him that… but he’s also on record Cucking for a woman’s approval.

Which is how we got into this mess in the first place.

I wonder what Torba’s new book says about females in the halls of power. Not much, is a safe guess.

Either go all the way for Christ, or don’t use His name. We don’t need to win elections, not really. We need to trust and obey Our Savior. NOT our women.

The Last San Franciscan Covid Hermit Is… Positive

To celebrate my return from vacation, here’s the heartwarming tale of a bunkered-up Covidian taking his first, halting steps out of Vault-Tec’s Gay Area bunker… and straight into “It’s-Everybody-Else’s-Fault-That-I-Got” Covid.

And then, Gandhi tried to kill him by prioritizing OTHER peoples’ health!

Omicron finally got me after two years of being a COVID hermit. Then, doctors made it worse

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By Matthew Fleischer, 4 September 2022

Enjoy the suffering of a whiny git who deserves it! It was a dark and stormy night…

It was a hot, humid night — almost 90 degrees — but my body was freezing. Putting on a sweatshirt and diving under a blanket couldn’t warm me up. My head, on the other hand, was on fire. I had a temperature over 100 degrees and needed ice packs piled on my forehead to cool down. The coughing wouldn’t stop.

I didn’t need a test to tell me that I had finally caught COVID.

For more than two years I basically lived like a hermit to avoid just this scenario. Sure, after getting vaxxed and boosted I didn’t think COVID would kill me. But I don’t exactly have a gold medal immune system; even a common cold gives me a rough time. I imagined COVID would lay me out with symptoms that could drag on for weeks or possibly months.

Or possibly, for more than two years?

So I stayed away from the office, indoor gatherings and restaurants. The gym? No thanks. Fifteen extra pounds was worth it to avoid getting sick.

“I refuse to exercise in order to stay healthy. Meanwhile, I don’t exactly have a gold medal immune system. Must be genetic.”

But this summer was my sister’s 40th birthday. She and the rest of my family live on the East Coast and were throwing a big party. So I decided to leave my cave and fly to see them.

Sure enough, someone else showed up to the festivities quietly sucking cough drops, assuring anyone who asked that her unusually nasal intonation was just a cold.

It wasn’t. And I was dumb enough to sit right next to her.

This doesn’t compute. A guy deathly afraid of getting sick, after two years of isolation which causes the body to lose immunity just by not being current, jumps on a coast-to-coast flight to a big party, sits next to somebody who even says she’s sick, and keeps sitting next to her, and is upset that he proceeded to get sick in turn.

I could have credited the guy with courage if he’d simply decided to get da ‘Rona and get it over with. Instead, I think the Unabomber is right: part of Leftist love for being a victim is simply because they hate themselves so much, that deep down, they believe they SHOULD be treated like dirt.

Me, I would have changed seats. Strike that. I would have simply not gone to New York City in the first place. He didn’t say it was NYC, but it was NYC.

As soon as the first symptoms hit, I knew I was in trouble.

But but but the vaxx is SAFE and EFFECTIVE!

So I decided to do my damnedest to get a prescription for Paxlovid, the antiviral drug cocktail that can prevent the coronavirus from replicating in your body during the early stages of infection. I wasn’t technically eligible because I’m under 65 without any serious comorbidities. But having chills, a brutal cough and a sky-high fever had to count for something, right?

What part of “not technically eligible” was hard to understand? Face it, Matthew, Donald Trump deserved Paxlovid and you didn’t. Being POTUS had to count for something, right?

Apparently not.

Local pharmacists wouldn’t have anything to do with me. Neither would urgent care. I called my health care provider back in San Francisco for a prescription, but it too told me I wasn’t eligible for Paxlovid and had to rest and ride it out.

So ride it out I did for the next 12 days coughing, sweating, snotting and sleeping up to 16 hours a day. Instead of spending time with my family, I had to avoid them at all costs to keep them from getting sick — other than to beg for food and supplies; there are no delivery services in the rural community they live.

“I avoided my family for two years. But when I finally came out, I didn’t get to spend time with them because Fauci didn’t give me the medicine that wasn’t permitted to me. It was so bad, I had to trust my family to feed me!”

After a wasted vacation, a changed flight and a few extra sick days, I finally got home a couple of weeks ago.

That same day, my partner started showing symptoms of COVID.

But but but the vaxx is SAFE and EFFECTIVE!

She too was ineligible for Paxlovid and spent the next 10 days hacking away in isolated misery. She just finally tested negative, but neither of us are back even close to full speed. A mildly hilly walk in Golden Gate Park the other day had me huffing like I just ran a marathon. I was in bed by 8:30 that night.

“Unggh… chest pains… never had then before the jibby-jab… must… get boosted again… before it’s too late… why can’t I breathe anymore?!”

I don’t know for sure which variant laid us out, but, based on infection data, it was almost certainly BA.5. Now, as BA.4.6 gains ground — and future variants follow — are we going to have to go through all this again if we want to live freely like we did before the pandemic? Because I don’t have the sick days or the stomach for that. And I can’t be the only one.

Oh, too bad. The State uses subscription medicine now. You pay to get sick and stay sick, and when you can’t pay anymore, you die.

I’m hopeful the new omicron booster can break this cycle. But what if it doesn’t?


This begs the question: if an antiviral drug like Paxlovid exists that could potentially ease people’s COVID symptoms by preventing the virus from replicating in our bodies before it spreads, why are we being so precious about who we give it to? A pharmacist in Canada recently refused to fill a Paxlovid prescription for a 20-year-old with Down syndrome and a history of respiratory infections. How is that sensible public health policy?

Is that a trick question? The chronically sick should be abandoned to die, especially when they could be saved via expensive and limited medical treatments. That’s not MY opinion, mind… that’s what happens in every single socialized medical system, every single time, and the author of this is a coastal Elite big-time Marxist journo who brags about being anti-cop. No way did he NOT want a socialized medical system!

I asked UCSF infectious disease specialist Monica Gandhi why those of not wanting to feel like garbage for weeks at a time, and who need to work or see vulnerable family members, can’t get easy access to the drug? We give antivirals widely to ease flu symptoms, why not COVID?

She replied that Paxlovid is currently being used to prevent death and hospitalizations, and that studies of people in my age range have shown no discernible benefits in this regard to taking the drug.

“We’re reserving it to actually save lives.”

“But I feel like garbage! That’s got to count for something! I also have Gandhi’s phone number! That counts, too!”

My read on this is that even as public health guidance is evolving to tell us COVID is now endemic and we can start getting back to normal, in many unhelpful ways it still treats the virus like a deadly disease.

We can’t have it both ways.

Agreed and fortunately, Chinkypox is not a deadly disease. We now have three years of data that would be reliable if the government hadn’t falsified it at every step and lied at every opportunity. News flash: the mortality rate of Covid is considerably lower than “world-ender”.

It’s not even “immunocompromised Matthew-ender” despite his best efforts.

What happens then if the omicron booster shots prove ineffective at preventing breakthrough infections like the one that waylaid me? Are we willing to let perpetual sickness be the cost of normalcy?

Are we willing to be ruled by self-righteous priggy germaphobes with no sense of cause & effect?

Based on America’s COVID response thus far, I’m fairly certain the answer to that is yes — unless folks start agitating.

I concur. Alas.

Are we going to rely on insurance company actuaries and the power of positive thinking to guide us back to normal, with all the attendant consequences? Or are we going to insist that public health officials study all tools in the arsenal that could get us there with as little misery as possible?

A smarter man would be wondering if all those SAFE AND EFFECTIVE vaxx boosters he got were safe, now that they’ve been proven ineffective, rather than demanding !science! cram ever more gene-juice goop into him until… I dunno… he transcends the limits of flesh and becomes like unto a god. Or something:

Yeah, I admit that’s one way to get closer to God.

Meanwhile, those actuaries were screaming about massive spikes in death rates until Matthew’s friends silenced them for misinformation. “Are we going to rely on positive thinking and the people whose profession is connecting statistics to causation to tell us what’s going on?”

How are they this stupid? Serious question. They jab themselves MORE the LESS they see the jabs working, simultaneously sneering at the doubters who somehow appear healthy while triple-masking, quadruple-boosting and climbing over their dead to silence medical concerns about myocarditis.

I cannot imagine how fucked-up in the head these people are. I’ve tried. The best I can imagine is that like a Red Guard on the Interstate, they will either betray every act of charity they’re shown, or suicide themselves in such a way that their last words are claiming to be the victim they aren’t.


Catacomb Heresies

[Note: I’m headed on vacation so whitelist moderation is in effect. Might be a few days before I can catch up.]

While I generally don’t swing at my fellow dissidents, doctrinal disagreements paling in comparison to the great evils consuming our entire species, there are times that it’s appropriate. TL;DR for this article: the Cross is sufficient for your salvation. Christianity contains no occult knowledge or divinely favored inner circle. And Satan is NOT a loyal and faithful servant of Father God.

Satanic Propaganda

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By Catacomb Resident, 1 September 2022

This document is public domain; spread the message.

Here we go!

Do you suppose we’ve had way too many claims of “Satanic this” and “Satanic that” in recent times? On the one hand, it’s what you would expect from standard political hyperbole. The problem is we have some really smart people using it literally, and they tend to influence a lot of people with their bad doctrine.

I agree it’s overused because the legacy conservative branch of politics is addicted to Gell-Mann Effect outrage porn, but when it comes to literal usage, the proper question is accuracy not frequency.

We are, indisputably, in a time when Satanism is ascendant. Not the lame-o chickens killed in pentagrams and idols of anthropomorphic goats that serve as window dressings & strawman arguments, either, but militant feminism, moral inversion and child sacrifice.

I’ve written extensively on the biblical doctrine of Satan [link omitted]. Propaganda blather about Satan these days rests on Germanic mythology, as if Satan were equivalent to Loki. He’s not.

Loki being the deceiver of the Norse pantheon, that comparison seems appropriate. Regardless, even the outrage-pornographers rarely reference Germanic mythology and this post won’t be making further reference to it.

Satan began as God’s Covering Cherub, a distinctly Ancient Near Eastern concept. He was demoted for cause to serving as God’s Left-hand. It’s not a pleasant job, and nothing so glorious as he had before. He is now the Enemy of God’s people, but he’s good at it, and serves faithfully.

That is a very black heresy. Satan is not a loyal servant of God. He was not demoted, he was exiled and will soon be imprisoned in Hell.

The popularity of that heresy stems from the fact that God could destroy Satan right now, yet has clearly not done so. Why? Either God is unable to punish rebellion against Him, in which case Satan has already won… we can rule out that scenario, his defeat was sealed at the Cross… or God wishes to make use of Satan. Does that make Satan the loyal servant of God? The answer:

His rebellion took place prior to the Creation of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden, and his temptation of them can be treated as his first assignment in his new job.

That word unlocks the answer: temptation. God is not capable of tempting us to disobey Him. It’s a self-defeating proposition. If God tempted us to disobey Him, and we disobey, we’re still doing something that God wanted. He’s offering us two Loyal choices, to obey Him the hard way or obey Him the easy way.

The solution is allowing a second, anti-God choice. Thus, God allows the devil existence and access to humanity so that he can tempt us to disobey God. Which will show God, witnesses and even ourselves, exactly how worthy of trust we are.

But that makes Satan God’s tool, not God’s servant. Like the storyteller’s villain, Satan is a briefly useful entity that must, and will, eventually be denounced and punished.

So, the real problem here is a very bad doctrine of what Satan does, so as to call some human action “Satanic” or now. The Ancient Hebrew outlook was otherworldly to begin with, very much of the mystical approach to things. This human existence is flawed and not precious at all. It is punitive in nature. The limitations we suffer here are part of the sentence against mankind, the Curse of the Fall. We should assume up front that we don’t see things clearly, and the only possible way we can know about eternal matters is by divine revelation alone. We know about Eternity only what God is willing to tell us.

I categorically reject that any part of Christianity relies upon secret or obscure knowledge, as did the Apostles. The very few parts of Christianity that are kept secret, from membership lists to exorcism rites, are secret only for practical (and usually obvious) reasons.

I agree that we only know of spiritual matters what God tells us. I disagree greatly, that God told the important parts only to His inner circle of Special Smart Boys.

We even saw that inner circle of Twelve. They were neither special nor smart.

Thus, a certain amount of human suffering is simply par for the course. That human governments can cause great numbers of people to suffer and die is also par for the course. That’s not especially Satanic.

Better to say, not always Satanic. Soldiers dying in war is morally neutral; Christians dying in persecution is evil.

The whole human race is by default born into Satan’s realm, so he need do nothing at all to gain dominion over them. And abusing them through his proxies is simply what was should expect. When you and I, the people of God, get swept up in this crap, it’s still par for the course. That we should suffer as part of the general human course of sorrow does not reflect any Satanic targeting.

He’s losing me with this idea that Satan’s minions stealing, killing and destroying, is not Satanic. There have been good kings and righteous rulers… not many, granted, but enough to prove that leaders and Satanists are not synonyms.

Humans exist in a very murky field of gray. Very few of us are 100% either way and even then, it’s impossible for others to be certain about us.

The only justification for using the term “Satanic” is when we refer to something Satan does to target God’s people. This is complicated by the recognition that God’s protection is not on His people at large, but is granted only to His people under Covenant.

That is another heresy, that God only protects His loyalists. God didn’t even protect His Son when the time came. “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” Likewise, we followers of Christ are promised mortal suffering and discipline… upfront.

If you, as a follower of Christ, are not living under the Covenant Covering, you have no grounds for complaint. You can either live by the Covenant or find yourself subject to all the sorrows of the vast heard of humanity under Satan’s control.

Cue the sales pitch. “You are suffering because you don’t have Covenant Covering insurance(tm). Here’s how to order yours!”

In particular is this pernicious idolatry of children and childhood. The West is obsessed with youth and worships childhood.

No. The West is obsessed with coercing loyalty, a sure sign that its rulers are illegitimate usurpers and betrayers. Meanwhile, the birth rate is disastrously low.

What, no sales pitch?

Anything that serves to taint a so-called “normal” childhood is therefore regarded as especially Satanic. This quite alien to the Bible. The Hebrews did have a certain sensitivity about childhood, but only as the symbol of someone defenseless, alongside widows, not a symbol of innocence. Westerners don’t want to hear that in the Bible times, the death of a child was a tragedy only for the family household. It was nobody else’s business…

This concept that society at large somehow has a vested interest in someone else’s children is an abomination to God.

The Mosaic law disagrees, as did Christ Himself in His discourse on necks and millstones. The idea that ‘proper’ Christianity doesn’t care about the deaths of children unless they’re direct blood relations, is an unjustifiable insult.

 It arises from idolatry. Further, the only “innocent” children are those living under Covenant Covering. All of the children in this world outside of the Covenant are inherently defiled from birth. The abuses that fall into their lives are simply par for the course, and not particularly Satanic.

You see why I’m giving this article the fisking treatment. If the Crucifixion is not enough to secure our innocence in the sight of God then we aren’t talking about Christianity anymore.

The only proper use of the term “Satanic” refers to various efforts to deceive and manipulate those who are consciously seeking to walk in the Covenant.

What about using “Satanic” to describe attributes and behaviors typical of Satan? That would also be a proper use of the term…

This is the only thing that represents a change. Satan already has the rest of the world; his abuse of humanity is not particular “Satanic”.

…or not?

There’s no loss to the Kingdom of Heaven in that. It’s his efforts to pull Covenant people back into his realm that is a change, a genuine loss to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Yes, we can talk all day long about how individual rulers and groups of elites are doing evil, but there is nothing particularly Satanic about that… It is not a transgression of any kind. It does not represent a rebellion against divine order.

Heresy again. “If you aren’t ‘Covenant people’ then you’re neither an innocent follower of Christ nor a guilty follower of Satan.”

Civilization is certainly not divine order. Walking in the Covenant alone is divine order. It should be obvious how Satanic it is to confuse this issue.

I kept waiting for the sales pitch on this “Covenant Christianity” but it never came. Maybe there’ll be a followup article on how God refuses to defend any innocent or right any wrong unless it’s committed against God’s inner circle of Ancient Hebrew Mystic True Believers, which Satan… being “God’s faithful left hand”… won’t touch.

Meanwhile, the only God I know… Christ the Creator Of Life, Savior of Humanity and True Son of the Father… Christ did not exempt Himself from suffering under Roman Empire occupation, Smart Boy Pharisees and temptation by the Literal Devil In Person. God’s Son must not have been part of this “Covenant”. Nah, He must have been a special case that didn’t mean anything.

It’s part of the Fall itself to insist that what mankind can do without God’s revelation still has value. It is trash, all of it vanity and waste.

That Internet you’re using? You’re welcome. That food you’re eating, some of which was grown by evil men who’ll never see Heaven? You’ll miss it when it’s gone. “Hello, plumber? My water pipe is leaking but unless you’re Covenant(tm), fixing it would be vanity and waste.”

What I’m asking is that you not get wrapped up in defending what mankind can do without God. Only what we do within the Covenant boundaries is blessed and protected, and Satan is highly constrained by the Covering. Trying to define as godly something entirely human in origin is a primary tactic of Satan.

A primary tactic of Satanic propaganda is moving the goalposts. Of course something entirely human is not something Godly, that’s a trivial statement, but that’s not what we were talking about until the last sentence.

We were talking about… concern for the welfare of children being an abomination to God, because Satan being God’s Left Hand, spares the specially deserving but not the innocent.

I’m not even curious what he’s trying to sell.

Epic Fail Acts 5:29 Pledge

Prepare for an object lesson in why I despise the modern Church. It ain’t because I want to. In fact, I was excited to discover there’s a pledge getting circulated in which pastors promise to never quarantine-lockdown their churches again. Sweet repentance bring it on!

h ttps://

During the recent COVID-19 “pandemic,” representatives who were elected to secure our God-given rights, clearly transgressed their lawful authority in executive action that prohibited public meetings or mandated the wearing of masks and “social distancing.” God’s word directs us “not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together.” (Hebrews 10:25) This verse is a Divine injunction.

We must obey God rather than the arbitrary decrees of men.

As a national coalition of pastors and churches, we reject any Presidential or gubernatorial decree requiring us to disobey the word of God. We will resist any attempt by a Federal, state or local official to restrict or prohibit the free exercise of our Religion or place restrictions thereon…

We do not need the permission of civil authorities to obey what God has commanded, nor does the Church need the approval of civil authorities to serve and worship our God in the way he has prescribed.

YAY! The pledge goes on, it’s too wordy by half and three-quarters, but there’s some fire in those words! Naturally, I looked at the California signers to get a clue if there’s a Based church in my area.


What, a female pastor? *checks* Dunno who Kelly is, but Restore Church is led by Tim Smith… whew… oh wait, his wife Karlene is co-pastor. Ugh, talk about getting your hopes up.


Females… don’t be a trend.


Whew! 1 for 3. Wait… Steinwachs isn’t clergy there, either. Dunno who he is.




Probably a joke… but it does sound like Santa Monica…. *checks* It’s one thread on Reddit. I’d hoped for at least a surfer gang.

I find thee a false church and sentence thee to thine image being appropriated for meme usage… in perpetuity.


She’s not just a witch, she’s a District Director in the CFRW Coven: the California Federation of Republican Women. Slogan: “Vote harder if you want your birthday sex.”



Not a church.


Not a church.


I can’t find that church, either. Simoneit is at least male and I got several links offering his criminal record, so maybe he signed this notice of defiance with serious intent. Or, he’s trying to get free advertising. Either way, dead end.


Not a church. Blacktivist.


Valley Baptist has male clergy and no Merlene Wade officer. She’s probably an attender; aged in her sixties per Internet searches. Not a legit signage.


Unsure if church exists, and Gayle doesn’t turn up as clergy in searching.


Unsure about Larson, but this church at least exists. Catholic, alas for me.


Also real and Catholic.

So, of 16 signed churches in California:

6 are feminist

5 don’t exist

2 are Catholic, not signed by clergy

3 are Protestant, not signed by clergy

0 seem legit.

This list is not complete, obviously. I know Grace Community Church in Los Angeles and Calvary Chapel San Jose defied the first lockdown and thus are likely to defy a second. Let me give a shout-out to Pastor Mike McClure of the latter for standing against some massive pressures, including seven-digit fines, for the horrifically irresponsible act of holding a maskless indoor service on Christmas Eve 2020. A big congratulations, Mike, on winning the subsequent court battle! You rock!

God: “Why should I let you into My home?”

Mike: “They ordered me to close Your church and I refused. Then they punished me for my loyalty to You but I stood my ground. Then they took me to court and I stood my ground again, and won a valuable precedent for other churches wanting to do right by You.”

San Jose Official: “I missed the chance to throw your human parents out into the cold, so I did it to your followers instead when they tried to celebrate your birthday. I called it a health guideline so you aren’t allowed to disagree. Who died and made you God, anyway?”

Christ Jesus: “Over here, yo.”

The problem with the list is it’s just a publicity stunt. No enforcement. No quality control. How hard would it be, to proofread a thousand-church list to screen out the N/As and Duderinos? It’s all fake and gay, and who let the women in? Maybe it’s already been abandoned. It could have been a valuable guide for dissident Christians, but it’s so badly implemented that it’s less than useless. It’s a joke, yet high-profile enough that I saw it on Blaze News.

What’s the difference between a Godly man searching for a half-decent church, and a homeless man dumpster diving for a half-decent meal? I don’t know. Both are all about rooting through garbage.