Stay Away From Welfare

There’s been an uptick in voices suggesting that white men get on Medicaid, housing assistance and whatever other welfare we can. This is a typical sentiment:

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12 October 2023

Speaking of the system, let’s talk about the title of this post: White males, EBT, and Medicaid. I wrote this post to encourage all White males who qualify to sign up for Medicaid and EBT. It is time for White males to begin taking from the system they have propped up with their earnings for many years.

Some of you might balk at this, having been raised with the retarded boomer nonsense about “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” and the equally retarded “rugged individualist” crap. Both of those ideas no longer apply in a multi-racial, woke communist society that has put a target on the backs of White males.

Fuck all of the boomer bootstrap crap! Put it out of your heads, once and for all, and never think about it again. Take what you can get from the system, do not hesitate, and do not feel an ounce of self-consciousness or remorse. The system hates you, so grab what you can get before the collapse finishes.

Don’t do it. It’s a trap! Several traps, actually.

First and most obviously, don’t allow yourself to become dependent upon your enemies. Don’t pretend you can work the system while remaining independent of the system. It’s designed to get you hooked. Once you sign on, you’ll be micromanaged by bureaucrats and limited to government-sanctioned options,. Worse, the anarcho-tyranny won’t stop. You’ll be tempted to cheat just because everybody else does and always get away with it. “Everybody else” meaning not you, Cracker Jack.

Second and most importantly, what kills a man’s soul is being powerless over his fate. There is no worse existential pain. The most miserable, whiny people I ever met, were welfare bums worried about their checks arriving at the end of the month because, oh, I think it was a possible Fedgov shutdown that time. They couldn’t do anything but hope the checks arrived and with the expected amounts. Or, they wouldn’t do anything. I was never sure which and didn’t want to start a fight to find out, not with people whose greatest fantasy was becoming a REAL victim.

Women don’t mind that kind of dependence. Neither do parasites. But you’re a white man. You’re a creative force. You want to do stuff. You’re wired to save and prepare for an uncertain future. If Karl the Magical Money Faerie showed up and gave you a guaranteed pension for the rest of your life, you wouldn’t sit in a chair and watch television for the next half century.

Not without asking your wife to hold your beer while hooking up some nitrous.

Notice those weren’t Asians, Latinos or Africans. Face it, Whitey, that’s how you roll.

Thirdly, never try to con a con artist. The primary reason white men are hated in our own countries today, is because all these entitlement queers know that they’re dependent upon us. They don’t like that. It’s emasculating and for damn good reason, and they’ll take it out on you if you get in line with them. Those micromanaging bureaucrats I mentioned? They have a special hate for white men who figure out their scam and try to move in on their action. Handing over your personal info to an Antifascist working hir’s dead-end day job of community organizing is a terrible way to beg for your tax money back.

For better or worse, white men are the race closest to God.  That means we’re almost pathologically honest. That means we’re not comfortable under somebody else’s boot heel. That means we can’t beat a con artist at his own game. That means our default paradigm is a society of equals doing crazy shit that sometimes changes the world, not a society of caste and rank and obeying some random petty warlord just because he’s your second cousin once removed.

WE CANNOT LIVE LIKE THEM. We’re producers. They’re consumers. We’re angels. They’re devils. When their masters run out of food, they’ll burn, loot, then die. When our masters run out of food, we’ll piss on their graves and sigh with relief that the nightmare is over.

Don’t sell out; survive. Your natural gift is the ability to plan ahead for cold winters. The vibrant’s natural gift is gorging during times of wealth then starving during times of… consequences.

Life is hard right now because we see the end coming but aren’t sure what preparations are most needed. Do your best, practice patient endurance, and whenever you feel tempted to live stupid, fat & happy like the Groids and Nu-mericans, notice the glassy, bovine glaze in their eyes whenever you talk about an event farther away than the end of the month.

That’s not you and it’s never gonna be you. Self-serving Boomer advice has nothing to do with who you are, you rugged individualist.

Next and most importantly, remember that you have a future and the welfare parasites don’t.

Psalm 73: 1-14,16,17

Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart.

But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold. For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong. They are free from common human burdens; they are not plagued by human ills.

Therefore pride is their necklace; they clothe themselves with violence. From their callous hearts comes iniquity; their evil imaginations have no limits.

They scoff, and speak with malice; with arrogance they threaten oppression. Their mouths lay claim to heaven, and their tongues take possession of the earth.

Therefore their people turn to them and [learn their wicked ways]. They say, “How would God know? Does the Most High know anything?” This is what the wicked are like—always free of care, they go on amassing wealth.

Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure and have washed my hands in innocence. All day long I have been afflicted, and every morning brings new punishments.

When I tried to understand all this, it troubled me deeply, until I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny.

I have one last reason to not go on welfare, a personal one but it may inspire. I SHALL BE WITNESS AGAINST THE WICKED. They steal from me with the justification that when I fall into need myself, I’ll retroactively justify their thefts by asking them to steal for my benefit, too.

I never will, may God grant me strength. They will steal from me, I cannot stop that, but I will never legitimize their thefts by claiming “my fair share” of loot. Come Judgment Day, the wicked will cry, “God, when you were starving, we robbed the rich in your name, kept 90% and gave you all the rest!” And God will look down from on high and mutter, “I was that so-called rich man, and the reason I starved is because you robbed me. Behold GunnerQ, my faithful servant and by-way-of-example.”

That’s the way to do Christianity these days. Live your life to make a point. Have nothing to do with the wicked deeds of wicked men. Act, don’t react, and accept that suffering is the inevitable reward of righteousness. Are you surprised that the dead don’t feel pain?

Again, like the psalmist Asaph, remember that you have a future and the welfare parasites don’t. The ultimate reason NOT to join them.

Verses 27-28

Those who are far from you will perish; you destroy all who are unfaithful to you. But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.

2 thoughts on “Stay Away From Welfare”

  1. This was beautiful.
    I just want to add this: When you have been robbed, it doesn’t matter what the robber does with your property. These people all want to scream about how “our tax dollars” are being wasted. But what do I care what the robbers do with money they stole from me via threat of violence?
    I want absolutely no part of it. May God provide for me and my own.

  2. After a stroke I was turned down by a black administrative law judge following a two year wait for a hearing even though there was a medical doctor’s diagnosis of the condition which they usually approve.
    The only legacy Americans in the entire process were the receptionist at Soc-Sec office, examining doctor, hearing transcriptionist and Jakwontavious Rastus admin-law judge.
    Also I never made a bank account for temporary SSI, they were busy servicing some si se puede replacements so I walked out.
    Used the grocery store self check out as the bank with temporary EBT card.
    Banks get a cut of every transaction for those what happens when the EBT runs out people.
    I’m glad I was denied and the guy ahead of me with amputated feet needed it more anyway.

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