Transhumanism… Trans To What, Exactly?

The video game Deus Ex 2 was unpopular. I thought it a fine enough game that had merely been saddled with an impossible legacy. Like the original, DE2 had alternate endings. The “villain” one, in which you help the pseudo-Templars achieve their human-purity terrorist efforts, fascinated me and I thought actually made a proper ending to the duology. Putting aside all the barely-concealed “bitter white man” trappings, they rejected cybernetics and bio-enhancements, and relied instead on powered armor, robots and fanaticism. And they held up against the Illuminati MiBs, horse-faced cyborgs and even stranger products of !science!. (Granted, that was necessary for game balance, but tactically, how big a performance difference would there really be between a man in servo armor against a man with cybernetic limbs?)

At the climax of their ending, the protagonist delivers a 24-karat, solid gold line to the famous J.C. Denton: “There’s nothing wrong with being human. Apparently, you lost sight of that long ago.”

Word, man.

As of 2019, we now live in a world in which modern technology is so advanced that the central question of real-deal progress is no longer whether we can. It’s whether we should.

Which is why science makes a very popular religion. It ONLY tells us how, never if we should.

And what did humanity do, knowing all about “how” and nothing about “should”? The answer is obvious from my setup: Humanity did effin’ 2020. With the best medical knowledge and capability ever, humanity quit life and went home to die just because the devil told us to. It’s time for all them smart boys to ask the question “should I be doing what I’m doing?”

Tech workers getting leg-lengthening surgery that costs up to $150K: report

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By Thomas Barrabi, 16 September 2022.

Self-conscious tech workers are reportedly taking extreme measures to add a few inches to their height by forking over six-figure payments for painful leg-lengthening operations.

Kevin Debiparshad, the head of the Nevada-based LimbplastX Institute, said workers from the tech sector comprise a significant chunk of his patients for the cosmetic surgical procedure.

The operation reportedly costs $70,000 to $150,000, depending on how many inches the patient wants to “grow,” as well as thousands of dollars more in follow-up costs, GQ reported.

“I joke that I could open a tech company,” Debiparshad told GQ. “I got, like, 20 software engineers doing this procedure right now who are here in Vegas. There was a girl yesterday from PayPal. I’ve got patients from Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft. I’ve had multiple patients from Microsoft.”

I suspect they’re mostly Pajeets who, surprise, feel self-conscious living among us descendants of Vikings. Even though they take our jobs and are beloved by our government, they still have the hindbrain realization that we are not equals.

The leg-lengthening process requires a painful procedure in which a doctor breaks the femur in each of a patient’s legs and inserts extendable metal nails. The nails are gradually extended over the next three months by one millimeter a day – eventually making the recovered patient several inches taller.

The surgery also carries a lengthy recovery process that includes “relentless” pain that stretches the nerves, muscle and tissue of the legs to an “almost excruciating degree,” according to GQ’s report.

One customer, identified as a 23-year-old, Chicago-based software engineer named Alan, said he underwent the procedure after developing a deep insecurity about his height. A girl who he had a “a super big crush on, like, roasted me for it.”

Alan spent three months recovering from the procedure and went from 5-foot-6 to 5-foot-9.

Another patient, a New York-based options trader named Bryan, also indicated he got the operation to improve his romantic life.

Aw, dudes… no. I was trying to be optimistic when I scoffed at Pajeets. They can become normal-sized just by going home where they belong and would probably be happier, if poorer. As if paying $150k for self-torture is a path to wealth.

But getting your legs broken every day for a month… to impress a woman? I have bad news for short men: IT AIN’T YOU. There’s nothing wrong with you. I’m sorry.

I’m sorry because if the problem was you, then you’d be able to fix the problem.

It’s the modern woman. Feral, ruthless, rootless, skanking her way to an all-consuming hatred of men because we don’t measure up to whatever fantasy-Chad her hypergamy instinct got pegged at.

And there’s nothing we ordinary, honorable, cooperative, decent and practical men can do about it. These guys here paid $150k and endured months of agony just walking to the bathroom, to bypass Skanky’s man-filter #001 of 666.

Nerd: “Can I take you out to dinner?”

Skanky: “Sorry, you’re rich but short.”

six months later

6-ft-3 Nerd: “Can I take you out to dinner?”

Skanky: “Sorry, you’re tall but poor.”

six months later

6-ft-3 millionaire Nerd: “Can I take you out to dinner?”

Skanky: “Sorry, you’re rich and tall but not jacked.”

six months later

6-ft-3 millionaire Adonis: “What happened to you?”

Skanky with a black eye: “He loves me.”

It’s not you. It’s HER.

Despite its painful physical and financial effects, Debiparshad said his clinic has no shortage of patients.

The Harvard-educated surgeon said patient counts have effectively doubled since remote work came to the fore during the COVID-19 pandemic. Debiparshad claimed up to 50 patients per month visit his offices.

The roster of patients isn’t limited to the tech sector. Debiparshad told GQ he has performed the procedure on CEOs, actors, physicians, a nurse, a YouTube star and even a news anchor.

The patients are often, but not always, wealthy and share a desire to feel better about themselves.


If you dropped these short people onto a deserted island, or into a nightclub full of women who knew the value of a Steady Eddie, they wouldn’t feel bad about being short.

Our society is being consumed by envy and insecurity. It’s a world of vapid appearance uber alles driven by feral female instincts raised on social media diets.

So, what’s the point of the concept transhumanism? If you could alter your body any way you want, how would you?

“Make me more attractive to girls.”

“Make me stronger. Able to fly. Never be weak again!”

“Give me power over other people. I shall control their minds, defeat them with a gesture, make them dance like puppets on 5G strings.”

All three of those are vanity bordering on arrogance.

Here’s the thing. Humanity has advanced in every field of knowledge except morality. Stop and think about it, and that hole in human progress is so huge it’s funny. Teleport a man out of the Roman Empire and he’ll be amazed at everything from communications to dentists… but when he sees sexually frustrated men and overbearing Karens, he’ll know that nothing SIGNIFICANT has changed. Humans are still humans being human.

Building a patriarchal society patterned after God’s design for humanity is a more radically transhumanist goal than Captain America’s superhero serum, because it actually will turn us into Homo Superior. There’s nothing wrong with being human, except that we are morally crippled. The solution to that crippling is not more tools or abilities. It is a social & spiritual realignment to our Creator.

No microchips needed.

Right now, the world’s ethos is all about power. Every deed that can be done, is being done at unprecedented scale. Ultrasexy humans. Trillionaire plutocrats. Men playing gods in proxy wars. All these things we can now do… but we shouldn’t. Perhaps that is the lesson God is teaching us today, that humanity’s next advance will be “what should be done”.

3 thoughts on “Transhumanism… Trans To What, Exactly?”

  1. The media can’t write “h1b visa prajeets” so they write “tech workers.” Lol.

  2. “Alan spent three months recovering from the procedure and went from 5-foot-6 to 5-foot-9.”


    I can’t help but smh at this man spending $70k+, and he’s STILL 3 inches short of the first of the 4 sixes.

    FWIW, I was 2 abs shy of the 4 sixes when I was still in the workforce 3 years ago. Got IOIs from a couple attractive young skanks in my apartment building. But by that point in my life I was just not at all interested in putting in an open-ended amount of effort for what never is a sure thing.

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