A Exchange Highlighting Dissident Feminism

The extent to which Original Sin undermines even dissident beliefs is hard to overstate. I had this exchange on Zman’s blog; its OP is irrelevant. Likes and dislikes are included.

h ttps://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=28471

[angelus:] One indicator I see that is very distressing, is older white women in their 70’s, pushing shopping carts full of their neatly piled belongings around town during the day, trying mightily to remain a normal demeanor. This has happened because the owners of section 8 subsidized senior housing have increased their rents so much that even with the government paying the larger portion, these women cannot afford their share. These are not drug addicted or crazy people, they look like my Grandma. They may not have any relatives or children nearby, and most of them were too old to drive. I shudder to think what happens to them when night falls, and what will happen this winter.

L: 34 D: 0

This is reportedly happening an hour out of Boise, ID. For what it’s worth.

[Gunner Q:] Her government housing allowance is no longer enough for her to live on? I don’t care… me who’ll never have such an allowance while being taxed to pay hers.

If her own family won’t support her then why should we care? What do they know that we don’t?

L: 1 D: 5

Yeah, what I said! I shouldn’t have to support anybody outside my family… isn’t that the very heart of dissident race politics?… and when the kids cut Granny out of their lives, I’ll guess that’s not because she’s such a sweet person to have around.

[Jack Dobson:] She is White. That matters. Maybe there is an addiction or mental health reason, but perhaps not. There are shanty towns throughout South Africa filled with Whites who did nothing wrong but landed there. We need to help our own people. The morons donating to the stupid grift to help “Holocaust survivors” in Russia need to be shamed into helping their fellow Whites here.

L: 8 D: 1

That ranks fairly high as not-a-response to my complaints of female entitlement and neglect of (unattractive) taxpaying men. Even in dissident politics, we have a very long way to go before patriarchy is accepted as a solution.

There’s no point in preferring your own people if you also prefer your women over men. Recall that America’s demographic downfall was 1. White society serving men, 2. White society serving women and 3. Nonwhite society serving women. That’s not coincidence.

Gender reality > race reality.

Interestingly, even a female commenter weighed in:

[3g4me:]No personal offense intended… they ought to be a clear lesson and reminder to the rest of us re what comes of relying on government promises. SS was a Ponzi scheme from the beginning. I ‘paid in’ my share, and don’t expect to ever see a penny of it. I’m old enough to apply now, but based on our current tax bracket it would all go back in taxes for redistribution to Shaniqua, Juan, Li Feng, and Zelensky. Unless circumstances change drastically, I don’t see myself ever applying for it – even if I’m not declared ineligible for my White privilege and my intolerable opinions.

L: 12 D: 1

She’s right and the thing to do is shut down the welfare state completely and overnight. Partly because one cannot reform a theft-in-progress, but mostly so that men can be incentivized (by getting to keep what we earn) to patch up those supply chains.

That will happen only when society benefits men. Values men. And cuts women loose to either fend for themselves or find a husband… the original retirement plan that Angelus never noticed was missing.

Lastly, I note that 3g4me didn’t go against Team Woman. That was the difference between her post and mine. “It’s a scam” versus “It’s a scam against men“.

2 thoughts on “A Exchange Highlighting Dissident Feminism”

  1. Just reading about the L.A. council muh democracy kerfluffle and I think we’re going to need a bigger popcorn tin.
    I won’t be lifting a finger for the wymyns and they are in for a rude shock living under PRC/CCP or the Muslims.
    It couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.
    Brandon increased the Soc-Sec with a historic new printing press and inflation will eat that right up.
    They don’t care about grammaw and maybe they could bring back that Mittens Romney pushing her over a cliff ad from Soetoro 2012.
    Was the BlackRock we want to buy your property form letter in grannie’s mailbox?

  2. The church should be a dissident voice, but isn’t. I am appalled, even after all these years, to see no cultural or Christian influencer say that women in politics are ruining this nation. Steve Deace has a great podcast, but his flaw is that he is bluepill (but he does blame Biden on Karens) and was saying it’s a given that Trump will have a woman VP.
    Of course they’ll have compassion for granny, it’s not their money, or church, and they feel like they have to save face since they never say anything about the growing number of female politicians.
    Our pastor went through the verses about widows a few months back. Drivel. He sucked the meaning from the plain language of the scriptures.

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